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本系列变压器与9”型变压器相比,空载电流平均降低70% 以上,空载损耗平均降低约30%。与JB/T10088 标准相比,噪音小,约降低7dB。高低压绕组在铁芯上直接绕制其机械强度高,抗短路能力强。铁芯经卷制而成,磁路与硅钢片晶格排列方向完全一致,大幅度提高变压器运行的空载性能。

Compared with S9 series, the average no—load current is decreased by 70%, and the average no—load losses reduced by 30%. Compared with the specification JB/T10088 standard, the transformer produces less noise which is reduced by about 7dB. The HV/LV winding, which are directly wound on the iron core, own high mechanical strength and strong ability of short-circuit resistance. The iron core is wound up, and the orientation of the magnetic path is the same with as that of the crystal lattice of the silicon steel sheets. Thus the no—load performance of the transformer in the operation is improved by a large margin.
